Kickstart your Brain with the 'The Mozart Effect'
For years, scientists have been studying how music affects the brain and its functions. Classical music, particularly songs by Mozart, has produced measurable results that have become known as “The Mozart Effect.” The theory, essentially, is that listening to the music of Mozart can improve your intellectual capacity. The question is, can listening to classical music make you more successful?If music improves cognitive functions, it is reasonable to believe you can reap those same rewards, leading to increased performance and efficiency at work. Increased efficiency means you get things done quicker. Finishing earlier means you have increased free time to put towards another assignment or to spend relaxing.
- Music Increases Cognitive Function: Several studies have shown cognitive improvements in those who listened to classical music prior to performing certain tasks or taking tests. Functions that demonstrated in increase in capacity included: Language skills, reading skills, spatial tasks, verbal communications, quantitative abilities, concentration, memory, and motor skills.
- Several studies of students preparing to take the SAT test compared test scores of those who listened to classical music prior to taking the test with those who did not. Those who preceded the test with classical music scored higher on the SAT than the students who did not.
- A study by the University of Washington showed that copyeditors who listened to classical music for 90 minutes while editing copy found 21% more mistakes than those who did not.
Improved Interpersonal Relations through Music: Listening to music not only improves functions within your brain, but music has also been shown to have a profound effect on mood. The style of music correlated with the mood experienced by the listener.Those who listened to music that was considered positive or upbeat were asked questions about their impressions of other people, and these individuals generally responded in a positive manner. Likewise, those who listened to music that was considered sad or depressing, and then were asked to form impressions of the same people as the first group, generally responded in a negative manner.This suggests that listening to music can have a profound effect on the way people view life and on their success in maintaining interpersonal relations. If listening to music that is considered positive or upbeat improves overall mood, it stands to reason that life will be viewed in a more favorable manner, and the listener will experience greater success in his relationships.Success in work and life can rely largely on our approach to each. With an improved outlook and a happier mood, we can achieve much more than if we proceed with negativity. Music and Healing: Researchers have studied the effects of music on patients that have had strokes, have epilepsy, or suffer from developmental disabilities. Those who had strokes were able to regain speech and language abilities much faster and more completely when music was incorporated into their recovery. Epileptics – even those in a coma – who were exposed to music showed a reduced incidence of seizures. Autistic children who had difficulty expressing themselves began showing great improvements once music was incorporated into their therapy.Evidence continues to surface reinforcing music’s positive impact on not only the human brain, but on overall health and well being. In addition to stimulating the mind, classical music can calm and soothe, thereby reducing stress. Stress is one of the biggest causes of illness, so it stands to reason that by reducing the amount of stress your body experiences, the healthier it will be. And the healthier you are, the more likely you are to achieve your goals. Companies Coordinate Song & Learning: As the benefits of incorporating music into our lives become more and more apparent, many universities, companies, and large corporations have begun including music in their training programs.The Shell Corporation, DuPont, and IBM, among others, have begun using classical music to compliment corporate training programs. The results have shown participants learn new material in about half the time and demonstrate increased retention. Improve Your Performance With Music: Music stimulates parts of the mind in ways never thought possible, having far reaching effects on brain function. Whether a temporary improvement caused by an increase in arousal or improvement in mood, or an actual raising of mental ability caused by neuron stimulation deep within the brain, you can incorporate music into your life to help you reach your goals faster and more easily. Making this one simple change is easy to do, yet can potentially have widespread benefits. Any increase in cognitive ability will help you complete your work more quickly and accurately, providing a positive impact on your career. Increased efficiency will provide you with more free time, which in turn can help you better achieve work life balance. Not to mention the positive change in mood, which gives you a happier outlook on life as a whole. So turn up the Mozart, and see where the music takes you.
2009年10月31日 星期六
Kickstart your Brain with the 'The Mozart Effect' - 真的有效嗎 XDDD
Kickstart your Brain with the 'The Mozart Effect' - 真的有效嗎 XDDD
Kickstart your Brain with the 'The Mozart Effect'
For years, scientists have been studying how music affects the brain and its functions. Classical music, particularly songs by Mozart, has produced measurable results that have become known as “The Mozart Effect.” The theory, essentially, is that listening to the music of Mozart can improve your intellectual capacity. The question is, can listening to classical music make you more successful?If music improves cognitive functions, it is reasonable to believe you can reap those same rewards, leading to increased performance and efficiency at work. Increased efficiency means you get things done quicker. Finishing earlier means you have increased free time to put towards another assignment or to spend relaxing.
- Music Increases Cognitive Function: Several studies have shown cognitive improvements in those who listened to classical music prior to performing certain tasks or taking tests. Functions that demonstrated in increase in capacity included: Language skills, reading skills, spatial tasks, verbal communications, quantitative abilities, concentration, memory, and motor skills.
- Several studies of students preparing to take the SAT test compared test scores of those who listened to classical music prior to taking the test with those who did not. Those who preceded the test with classical music scored higher on the SAT than the students who did not.
- A study by the University of Washington showed that copyeditors who listened to classical music for 90 minutes while editing copy found 21% more mistakes than those who did not.
Improved Interpersonal Relations through Music: Listening to music not only improves functions within your brain, but music has also been shown to have a profound effect on mood. The style of music correlated with the mood experienced by the listener.Those who listened to music that was considered positive or upbeat were asked questions about their impressions of other people, and these individuals generally responded in a positive manner. Likewise, those who listened to music that was considered sad or depressing, and then were asked to form impressions of the same people as the first group, generally responded in a negative manner.This suggests that listening to music can have a profound effect on the way people view life and on their success in maintaining interpersonal relations. If listening to music that is considered positive or upbeat improves overall mood, it stands to reason that life will be viewed in a more favorable manner, and the listener will experience greater success in his relationships.Success in work and life can rely largely on our approach to each. With an improved outlook and a happier mood, we can achieve much more than if we proceed with negativity. Music and Healing: Researchers have studied the effects of music on patients that have had strokes, have epilepsy, or suffer from developmental disabilities. Those who had strokes were able to regain speech and language abilities much faster and more completely when music was incorporated into their recovery. Epileptics – even those in a coma – who were exposed to music showed a reduced incidence of seizures. Autistic children who had difficulty expressing themselves began showing great improvements once music was incorporated into their therapy.Evidence continues to surface reinforcing music’s positive impact on not only the human brain, but on overall health and well being. In addition to stimulating the mind, classical music can calm and soothe, thereby reducing stress. Stress is one of the biggest causes of illness, so it stands to reason that by reducing the amount of stress your body experiences, the healthier it will be. And the healthier you are, the more likely you are to achieve your goals. Companies Coordinate Song & Learning: As the benefits of incorporating music into our lives become more and more apparent, many universities, companies, and large corporations have begun including music in their training programs.The Shell Corporation, DuPont, and IBM, among others, have begun using classical music to compliment corporate training programs. The results have shown participants learn new material in about half the time and demonstrate increased retention. Improve Your Performance With Music: Music stimulates parts of the mind in ways never thought possible, having far reaching effects on brain function. Whether a temporary improvement caused by an increase in arousal or improvement in mood, or an actual raising of mental ability caused by neuron stimulation deep within the brain, you can incorporate music into your life to help you reach your goals faster and more easily. Making this one simple change is easy to do, yet can potentially have widespread benefits. Any increase in cognitive ability will help you complete your work more quickly and accurately, providing a positive impact on your career. Increased efficiency will provide you with more free time, which in turn can help you better achieve work life balance. Not to mention the positive change in mood, which gives you a happier outlook on life as a whole. So turn up the Mozart, and see where the music takes you.
惡靈古堡 2 –啟示錄 - 第一句實在是寫得太好了。 Jill 真辣呀。
惡靈古堡 2 – 啟示錄
7 六月, 2006 (00:29) | 每日一片
有看過第一集的人都知道會出第二集,因為結尾的地方都挑明了說要啟動某一個叫 Nemesis 的計劃;而在第二集中,片頭說明了 T 病毒的散佈狀況已經到了 Umbrella 公司無法控制的程度,他們開始撤離重要工作人員,而且把整座城市給封鎖起來不讓裡面的人員外出,包括當地警方人員和 Umbrella 派駐當地的傭兵。只不過,這個撤離的工作出了點狀況,有一個科學家 Ashford 的女兒 Angela 被留在市區內,Ashford 想要救 Angela 出來,只好自力救濟,但是他自己行動不便,只好想辦法透過監視系統尋找城內有能力的人,以逃離城市作為交換條件。Alice 從醫院裡醒來的時間正是 Umbrella 公司開始封城的時候,此時城內已經是活死人橫行,只有少數人還在負隅頑抗,包括當地警方的 Jill Valentine 和 Peyton Wells,他們和一個記者 Terri Morales 同行,另一批是 Carlos Olivera 為首的 Umbrella 傭兵小隊,以及一小群 STARS (警方快速反應部隊),他們救了一個平民 L.J.。在這情況下,Umbrella 公司決定要啟動 Nemesis,這時我們可以看到原來 Nemesis 是一個看起來相當強壯 (且邪惡) 的戰士,很顯然就是上一集的 Matt,Umbrella 似乎可以透過某種機制觀察 Nemesis 的行為,而且可以下精確的指令,例如說他在幹掉 STARS 的時候 L.J. 竟然可以毫髮無傷地離開…
Alice 在教堂救了 Jill 一行人,但是走到一半就碰到 Nemesis,他馬上發現情況不妙,想叫大家快閃的時候已經來不及,Peyton 第一個就被幹掉了,為了救其他人,Alice 衝向 Nemesis,一陣攻擊後發現火力遠遜,危急之下也只好快閃;Jill 和 Terri 在逃離 Nemesis 後決定要趕快去找到 Angela 逃離此城,路上接了 L.J.,在 Ashford 的指引下來到學校救出了 Angela,而且和 Carlos 和 Alice 會合了。
Alice 看到 Angela 之後的對話,揭露出了驚人的祕密:原來 T 病毒的本性是讓死掉的細胞復活,而這原本是用來治療 Ashford 家的遺傳病所用,他還同時開發出了病毒抗體,目的是控制 T 病毒不致失控;至於 Alice 則是被 Umbrella 公司抓去做活體實驗,他本身的細胞已經產生了突變,雖然也感染了 T 病毒,但是只有無限再生的優點而沒有嗜血等等副作用。
Ashford 指引他們前往市政廳,那裡有架準備起飛的最後直昇機,不過沒想到這一切都是 Umbrella 公司所安排的陷阱,在那兒等著他們的除了直昇機外,還有已經被抓的 Ashford 和 Umbrella 高層,當然還有 Nemesis;原來,Alice 和 Nemesis 都是 Umbrella 公司的實驗品,一個是肉體極限強化的版本,另一個是破壞力、敏捷度、思考能力並重的平衡版本,他們想知道哪一種比較強,所以安排了這場決鬥。決鬥的最後是 Alice 勝出,但是他完全不想和 Umbrella 公司合作,於是 Umbrella 決定把所有人幹掉;在這電光石火的一瞬間,Nemesis 似乎恢復人性救了 Alice,Jill 和 Carlos 等人也掙脫手銬來了一次大反攻,一陣亂鬥後 Nemesis 為了救 Alice 而犧牲自己,剩下來的 Alice、Jill、Carlos、L.J.、Angela 坐上直昇機逃開,只可惜沒走多久就發生 Umbrella 公司引爆核爆,Alice 為了救 Angela 受了重傷,後來又被 Umbrella 公司帶回實驗室…
最後一幕是 Alice 在休養過後恢復元氣,而且他不只是恢復而已,能力又進一步提昇,已經可以透過閉路電視的監視系統讓警衛七孔流血而死;實驗室的大頭目似乎有意讓他離開,特意交待大門守衛放行 Alice 和後來接應他的 Jill 等人,接下來他就說要啟動 Alice 計劃,似乎是 Alice 的所有知覺都會透過衛星轉送給 Umbrella 公司,顯然,接下來的部份就是第三集的故事了吧…
2009年10月30日 星期五
趙小蘭:25年前就注意馬英九-這個年輕人長相出眾,「很有潛力」 大概原本是要收女婿吧?
更新日期:2009/10/27 02:57 仇佩芬/台北報導中國時報【仇佩芬/台北報導】
美國前勞工部長趙小蘭(Elaine L. Chao)昨天拜會外交部長楊進添。雙方除了就台灣外交政策簡單交換意見之外,趙小蘭還提起廿五年前認識馬英九的往事,說當時她的父親就認定這個年輕人很有潛力,要她「好好注意他」。
曹錦輝若涉假球案 不可能重返MLB-Yahoo!奇摩新聞
曹錦輝若涉假球案 不可能重返MLB
更新日期:2009/10/30 16:59
中科四期廢水 環評:排放河岸-Yahoo!奇摩新聞
中科四期廢水 環評:排放河岸
更新日期:2009/10/31 00:01中科四期二林園區開發案經過半年多審查,原本行政院長吳敦義承諾,要將廢水排到出海口3公里外的外海,但環評大會完全推翻這項決策,恢復到最初排放到濁水溪或舊濁水溪河岸的方案。
中科四期二林園區開發案經過半年多審查,廢水排放再度大逆轉回到最初的提議,如果順利半年內如果能動工,5年後就能完工。(民視新聞 陳韻平、宮仲毅台北報導)
中科環評有條件通過 卓伯源:經濟環保雙贏 - 這就是為什麼去年彰化縣海岸在國家重要溼地中排不進去的原因。
中科環評有條件通過 卓伯源:經濟環保雙贏
更新日期:2009/10/30 22:19
(中央社記者吳哲豪彰化縣30日電)中科4 期二林基地環評今天有條件通過,彰化縣長卓伯源透過縣府發布新聞稿說,感謝環評委員為彰化創造經濟與環保雙贏,讓彰化縣邁進一大步,從農業大縣變成光電科技大縣。
行政院環保署環評委員會今天有條件通過中科4 期二林基地開發計畫,初步同意中科將放流水排放至舊濁水溪或濁水溪河岸;中科若打算改採海洋放流管排放至舊濁水溪或濁水溪出海口,需先通過環境影響差異評估。
〈CPBL〉兄弟快斬4球員 曹錦輝確定不續約 - 唉。
〈CPBL〉兄弟快斬4球員 曹錦輝確定不續約
更新日期:2009/10/30 18:01記者:曹玉炯針對兄弟象隊涉及打假球事件,今天(30日)領隊洪瑞河作出立即的行動:開除坦承放水的4名球員,至於眾所關注的曹錦輝則是不續任,總教練中入伸也比照辦理。
2009年10月29日 星期四
農委會堅決不開放基改稻米進口 文號:5648 98年10月28日
有關報載「擬開放美國基因改造稻米」乙事,農委會嚴正表示,雖然我國加入 WTO 承諾進口稻米數量,但為維護我國生產環境暨確保產業發展,從未許可或規劃進口含基因改造食米。
A Language of Smiles - Olivia Judson Blog -
A Language of Smiles
Say “eeee.” Say it again. Go on: “eeee.”
Maybe I’m easy to please, but doing this a few times makes me giggle. “Eeee.”
Actually, I suspect it’s not just me. Saying “eeee” pulls up the corners of the mouth and makes you start to smile. That’s why we say “cheese” to the camera, not “choose” or “chose.” And, I think, it’s why I don’t get the giggles from “aaaa” or “oooo.”
The mere act of smiling is often enough to lift your mood; conversely, the act of frowning can lower it; scowling can make you feel fed up. In other words, the gestures you make with your face can — at least to some extent — influence your emotional state.
(The notion that facial expressions affect mood isn’t new. Edgar Allan Poe used it in his story “The Purloined Letter”: one character reports that when he wishes to know someone’s mind, he attempts to compose his face to mimic the expression of that someone — then waits to see which emotions arise. And the idea was developed, in different ways, by both Charles Darwin and William James. But telling stories and developing arguments is one thing. Showing, experimentally, that making a face can make a mood is harder; it’s only in the past 30 years or so that data have started to accumulate.)Exactly how frowns and smiles influence mood is a matter of debate. One possibility is classical conditioning. Just as Ivan Pavlov conditioned a dog to associate the sound of a bell with the expectation of food, the argument goes, so humans quickly come to associate smiling with feeling happy. Once the association has been established, smiling is, by itself, enough to generate happy feelings. Another possibility is that different facial gestures have intrinsic properties that make them more or less pleasant, perhaps by altering the way that blood flows to the brain.
But here’s what interests me. As anyone who has tried to learn a foreign language will know, different languages make you move your face in different ways. For instance, some languages contain many sounds that are forward in the mouth; others take place more in the throat. What’s more, the effects that different languages have on the movements of the face are substantial. Babies can tell the difference among languages based on the speaker’s mouth movements alone. So can computers.
Which made me wonder: do some languages contain an intrinsic bias towards pulling happy faces? In other words, do some languages predispose — in a subtle way — their speakers to be merrier than the speakers of other languages?
As far as I can tell, no one has looked at this. (It doesn’t mean no one has; it just means I haven’t been able to find it.) But I did find a smidgen of evidence to suggest the idea’s not crazy. A set of experiments investigating the effects of facial movements on mood used different vowel sounds as a stealthy way to get people to pull different faces. (The idea was to avoid people realizing they were being made to scowl or smile.) The results showed that if you read aloud a passage full of vowels that make you scowl — the German vowel sound ü, for example — you’re likely to find yourself in a worse mood than if you read a story similar in content but without any instances of ü. Similarly, saying ü over and over again generates more feelings of ill will than repeating a or o.
Of course, facial gestures aren’t the whole story of emotions; moreover, languages can potentially influence emotions in many other ways. Different languages have different music — sounds and rhythms — that could also have an emotional impact. The meanings of words may influence moods more than the gestures used to make them. And just as the words a language uses to describe colors affects how speakers of that language perceive those colors, different languages might allow speakers to process particular emotions differently; this, in turn, could feed into a culture, perhaps contributing to a general tendency towards gloom or laughter.
Separating these various factors will be difficult, and the overall impact on mood through the facial gestures of a language may well be small, if indeed it exists at all. Nevertheless, I’d love to know whether some languages, by the contortions they give the mouth, really do have an impact on their speakers’ happiness. If it turns out that there is a language of smiles, I’d like to learn it. In the meantime: have a giggle with “meeeeeee.”
Migratory Route Of Eleonora's Falcon Revealed For First Time
Migratory Route Of Eleonora's Falcon Revealed For First Time
ScienceDaily (Oct. 27, 2009) — Satellite tracking has allowed a research team to uncover the mysteries of the migration of Eleanora's falcon for the first time. In total, the bird flies more than 9,500 kilometres across the African continent from the Balearic and Columbretes Islands before reaching the island of Madagascar. Some of the previously-obscure secrets now revealed by the scientists show that these falcons migrate by both day and night, and cross supposed ecological barriers such as the Sahara Desert.
See also:Until recently, the scientific community had almost no knowledge of the biology and life strategies of Eleanora's falcon (Falco eleonorae), a migratory bird of prey with low population numbers that nests on marine islands. However, researchers from the Universities of Valencia (UV) and Alicante (UA) tagged 11 individuals (7 adults and 4 chicks) in the colonies of the Balearic Islands between 2007 and 2008 and in the Columbretes Islands in the province of Castellón in 2008, with a further five individuals tagged in 2009.
"This represents a landmark in the study of this species, because to date nobody had been able to catch any Eleanora's falcon individuals and tag them using satellite technology anywhere in their colonies in the western Mediterranean," Pascual López, a researcher at the UV and lead author of the study, which has been published recently in the journal Zoological Studies, tells SINC.
The tagged falcons started their migration of more than 9,500 kilometres in the autumns of 2007 and 2008, travelling from the Balearic Islands to Madagascar. The new discovery made by this study was that the falcons do not fly over the waters of the Mediterranean and along the East African coast, but instead cross straight over the African continent.
The satellite tracking data have also shown that "Eleonora's falcons can migrate by both day and night (a new discovery among birds of prey of their genus), and cross supposed ecological barriers such as the Sahara Desert, the Equator and extensive stretches of open sea in the Indian Ocean," points out López.
During the two-month migration undertaken by the falcons in order to winter in Madagascar, the biologists received hundreds of position signals for the adults (throughout 10 countries) and the juveniles (in 14 countries). Their migratory route to return to Europe in the spring once again crosses the African continent, "but they follow a completely different path from that used for the autumn migration, flying for more than 1,500km non-stop over the Indian Ocean from Madagascar to Somalia, a phenomenon that has never before been described in birds of prey of this genus, and which pushes them to the limits of their physiological capacity ," says the researcher.
A very special bird
Some of the peculiarities of this bird of prey, which migrates over long distances and evolved only recently, include "a reproductive cycle adapted to the migration of other bird species, starting at the end of the summer and not in the spring (the latest among all European birds of prey). This makes it a model organism for looking into questions about its phylogeography and evolution," adds López, who also wants to find out how the Eleonora's falcons manage to navigate during such a long journey.
Eleonora's falcon was named after Giudicessa Eleonora de Arborea (1350-1404), a Sardinian princess who fought for Sardinia's independence from the Kingdom of Aragon, and who drafted the first laws in Europe protecting birds of prey.
Journal reference:
- López-López, Pascual; Limiñana, Rubén; Urios, Vicente. Autumn Migration of Eleonora's Falcon Falco eleonorae Tracked by Satellite Telemetry. Zoological Studies, 48(4): 485-491, julio de 2009
AK-47步槍發明人慨嘆 發明淪為犯罪工具-
AK-47步槍發明人慨嘆 發明淪為犯罪工具
更新日期:2009/10/28 00:47
(路透俄羅斯克利摩夫斯基26日電)卡拉希尼柯夫突擊步槍的發明人卡拉希尼柯夫(Mikhail Kalashnikov)在過90歲生日前,只有一個大遺憾,他說:「看到各種各樣犯罪的份子用我的武器開火,對我來說真是痛苦。」
2009年10月26日 星期一
狂牛病與庫賈氏症 by 《Meme -- 教學與反省》
2006 年時有位研究狂牛症的科學家與家人在自家門口被埋伏的歹徒射殺,全家無一倖免。而在這之前已有其他三位研究狂牛症的科學家遇害。所以這個爭議不是祇有在台灣發生,在美國也是意見紛雜 (註一)。
但是無論如何,自由時報的這篇讀者投書還是有問題的,因為他的朋友得到的庫賈氏症 (CJD) 可能與牛肉一點關係都沒有,而單純是個人基因病變所致。
先來談一談狂牛病與 CJD。
CJD 患者的腦部,有許多澱粉狀的沉澱,並出現海綿狀空洞 (圖片來源)
後來 Stanley B. Prusiner 經過幾十年的研究發現狂牛症與 CJD 的病因並不是病毒或細菌,而是由一種稱為 Prion 的蛋白質所造成的疾病。這是人類所知的第一個由蛋白質造成的疾病。Stanley B. Prusiner 也因為 Prion 的研究得到 1997 年的諾貝爾生理醫學獎。
Stanley B. Prusiner 領取諾貝爾獎 (圖片來源)
我們每個人的體內都有一種叫做 Prion 的蛋白質,它在細胞內生產後會被送到細胞膜上展現生理機能。不過,有些個體因為基因突變的關係,讓細胞生產出不正常的 Prion 蛋白質。這些因為基因突變所造成不正常的 Prion 蛋白質就是狂牛症與 CJD 的初始起因,狂牛症是牛的 Prion 病變;CJD 是人類的 Prion 病變。
圖左:正常的 Prion 蛋白質;圖右為不正常 Prion 蛋白質 (圖片來源)
正常的 Prion 蛋白質在使用一陣子之後會有損傷並被細胞分解掉,細胞再產生全新、完整的 Prion 蛋白質來替代。但是基因突變產生的不正常 Prion 蛋白質沒辦法被我們的細胞所破壞,使得不正常蛋白質在組織中逐漸累積 (舊的不去,新的一直來),最終將細胞撐破,造成細胞死亡。
可怕的是,不正常蛋白質還具有感染力,當它與正常 Prion 接觸會使正常 Prion 形態發生改變,也成為不正常的 Prion,這樣的過程經過幾次後,體內不正常的 Prion 數量呈等比級數的增加而變得非常多量,如果這些 Prion 累積在腦部細胞,就造成許多腦細胞的死亡,腦部變成類似海綿的空洞狀組織,這就是 Prion 造成神經病變的原因。
正常的 Prion 蛋白質 (PrPc) 被致病性 Prion (PrPsc) 影響,也成為致病性 Prion (圖片來源)
後來發現,原來是在牛的飼料中加入了羊骨粉,很不幸的,這些羊骨之中,有一些來自於得到羊搔症 (羊的 Prion 疾病) 的羊隻,更不幸的是,羊搔症 Prion 與牛隻的 Prion 結構很類似,可以誘發牛隻的正常 Prion 改變為不正常 Prion,造成吃過骨粉的牛隻大量發病,這是狂牛症大量發生的原因。
致病性 Prion 具有抗酸、抗鹼、抗熱的特性,加熱至 300℃ 以上仍然不受破壞;一般蛋白質在 65~80℃ 就被破壞掉了。因為它抗酸、抗鹼、抗熱的特性,所以羊骨製成為骨粉的過程沒辦法破壞它,而使它可以感染牛隻。
那麼 CJD 呢?目前知道 CJD 的發病途徑有三種,第一類就是前面所說的基因突變,這個比例比較低,每百萬人約一人會因為自然的基因突變而得到 CJD;第二種途徑是經由遺傳所得,CJD 的患者中約有 10% 是因為遺傳到父母親的突變基因而發病;第三種發病原因是與患者使用了相同的器械,經由傷口、血液傳染到不正常的 Prion 蛋白。
不過,牛隻的 Prion 會不會造成人類 Prion 變成不正常的呢?目前是說因為兩者的構成不太相似,比較不會像羊傳染給牛這樣由牛傳染給人,但是也沒人敢 100% 保證就是了。
註一:一些研究指出,Prion 的疾病可以由羊傳染給牛;牛可以傳給人;人可以傳給老鼠。
2009年10月25日 星期日
中國家電下鄉騙很大/台商彩電 9個月只賣1台 - 想必是手工打造
中國家電下鄉騙很大/台商彩電 9個月只賣1台〔編譯盧永山/綜合報導〕中國「家電下鄉」政策叫得震天價響,實施迄今,台商看得到卻吃不到,證明馬政府和親中媒體先前說中國家電下鄉可為台灣創造龐大商機,根本是吹牛!
馬頻畫大餅 牛皮都吹破
為杜麗華助選 馬:蘇花替年底前一定動工-問題,台灣因為急躁決策所造成的「馬失前蹄」,以及環境破壞而「馬革裹屍」的教訓,難不成還擋不了所謂的「老馬識途」、更祝福他因為「馬英九�
為杜麗華助選 馬:蘇花替年底前一定動工
更新日期:2009/10/25 18:35
2009年10月23日 星期五
大人強拉劈木 5歲童被甩飛嚇傻- 銬,這明明是瘋了嘛。
大人強拉劈木 5歲童被甩飛嚇傻 2009/10/23 12:00 許文男 報導 地區:高雄市報導
2009年10月22日 星期四
名 稱: 環境影響評估法 (民國 92 年 01 月 08 日 修正) 第 一 章 總則 第 1 條 為預防及減輕開發行為對環境造成不良影響,藉以達成環境保護之目的, 特制定本法。本法未規定者,適用其他有關法令之規定。第 2 條 本法所稱主管機關︰在中央為行政院環境保護署;在直轄市為直轄市政府 ;在縣 (市) 為縣 (市) 政府。第 3 條 各級主管機關為審查環境影響評估報告有關事項,應設環境影響評估審查 委員會 (以下簡稱委員會) 。 前項委員會任期二年,其中專家學者不得少於委員會總人數三分之二。目 的事業主管機關為開發單位時,目的事業主管機關委員應迴避表決。 中央主管機關所設之委員會,其組織規程,由行政院環境保護署擬訂,報 請行政院核定後發布之。 直轄市主管機關所設之委員會,其組織規程,由直轄市主管機關擬訂,報 請權責機關核定後發布之。 縣 (市) 主管機關所設之委員會,其組織規程,由縣 (市) 主管機關擬訂 ,報請權責機關核定後發布之。第 4 條 本法專用名詞定義如下: 一、開發行為:指依第五條規定之行為。其範圍包括該行為之規劃、進行 及完成後之使用。 二、環境影響評估:指開發行為或政府政策對環境包括生活環境、自然環 境、社會環境及經濟、文化、生態等可能影響之程度及範圍,事前以 科學、客觀、綜合之調查、預測、分析及評定,提出環境管理計畫, 並公開說明及審查。環境影響評估工作包括第一階段、第二階段環境 影響評估及審查、追蹤考核等程序。第 5 條 下列開發行為對環境有不良影響之虞者,應實施環境影響評估: 一、工廠之設立及工業區之開發。 二、道路、鐵路、大眾捷運系統、港灣及機場之開發。 三、土石採取及探礦、採礦。 四、蓄水、供水、防洪排水工程之開發。 五、農、林、漁、牧地之開發利用。 六、遊樂、風景區、高爾夫球場及運動場地之開發。 七、文教、醫療建設之開發。 八、新市區建設及高樓建築或舊市區更新。 九、環境保護工程之興建。 一○、核能及其他能源之開發及放射性核廢料儲存或處理場所之興建。 一一、其他經中央主管機關公告者。 前項開發行為應實施環境影響評估者,其認定標準、細目及環境影響評估 作業準則,由中央主管機關會商有關機關於本法公布施行後一年內定之, 送立法院備查。第 二 章 評估、審查及監督 第 6 條 開發行為依前條規定應實施環境影響評估者,開發單位於規劃時,應依環 境影響評估作業準則,實施第一階段環境影響評估,並作成環境影響說明 書。 前項環境影響說明書應記載下列事項: 一、開發單位之名稱及其營業所或事務所。 二、負責人之姓名、住、居所及身分證統一編號。 三、環境影響說明書綜合評估者及影響項目撰寫者之簽名。 四、開發行為之名稱及開發場所。 五、開發行為之目的及其內容。 六、開發行為可能影響範圍之各種相關計畫及環境現況。 七、預測開發行為可能引起之環境影響。 八、環境保護對策、替代方案。 九、執行環境保護工作所需經費。 一○、預防及減輕開發行為對環境不良影響對策摘要表。第 7 條 開發單位申請許可開發行為時,應檢具環境影響說明書,向目的事業主管 機關提出,並由目的事業主管機關轉送主管機關審查。 主管機關應於收到前項環境影響說明書後五十日內,作成審查結論公告之 ,並通知目的事業主管機關及開發單位。但情形特殊者,其審查期限之延 長以五十日為限。 前項審查結論主管機關認不須進行第二階段環境影響評估並經許可者,開 發單位應舉行公開之說明會。第 8 條 前條審查結論認為對環境有重大影響之虞,應繼續進行第二階段環境影響 評估者,開發單位應辦理下列事項: 一、將環境影響說明書分送有關機關。 二、將環境影響說明書於開發場所附近適當地點陳列或揭示,其期間不得 少於三十日。 三、於新聞紙刊載開發單位之名稱、開發場所、審查結論及環境影響說明 書陳列或揭示地點。 開發單位應於前項陳列或揭示期滿後,舉行公開說明會。第 9 條 前條有關機關或當地居民對於開發單位之說明有意見者,應於公開說明會 後十五日內以書面向開發單位提出,並副知主管機關及目的事業主管機關 。第 10 條 主管機關應於公開說明會後邀集目的事業主管機關、相關機關、團體、學 者、專家及居民代表界定評估範疇。 前項範疇界定之事項如下: 一、確認可行之替代方案。 二、確認應進行環境影響評估之項目;決定調查、預測、分析及評定之方 法。 三、其他有關執行環境影響評估作業之事項。第 11 條 開發單位應參酌主管機關、目的事業主管機關、有關機關、學者、專家、 團體及當地居民所提意見,編製環境影響評估報告書 (以下簡稱評估書) 初稿,向目的事業主管機關提出。 前項評估書初稿應記載下列事項: 一、開發單位之名稱及其營業所或事務所。 二、負責人之姓名、住、居所及身分證統一編號。 三、評估書綜合評估者及影響項目撰寫者之簽名。 四、開發行為之名稱及開發場所。 五、開發行為之目的及其內容。 六、環境現況、開發行為可能影響之主要及次要範圍及各種相關計畫。 七、環境影響預測、分析及評定。 八、減輕或避免不利環境影響之對策。 九、替代方案。 一○、綜合環境管理計畫。 一一、對有關機關意見之處理情形。 一二、對當地居民意見之處理情形。 一三、結論及建議。 一四、執行環境保護工作所需經費。 一五、預防及減輕開發行為對環境不良影響對策摘要表。 一六、參考文獻。第 12 條 目的事業主管機關收到評估書初稿後三十日內,應會同主管機關、委員會 委員、其他有關機關,並邀集專家、學者、團體及當地居民,進行現場勘 察並舉行公聽會,於三十日內作成紀錄,送交主管機關。 前項期間於必要時得延長之。第 13 條 目的事業主管機關應將前條之勘察現場紀錄、公聽會紀錄及評估書初稿送 請主管機關審查。 主管機關應於六十日內作成審查結論,並將審查結論送達目的事業主管機 關及開發單位;開發單位應依審查結論修正評估書初稿,作成評估書,送 主管機關依審查結論認可。 前項評估書經主管機關認可後,應將評估書及審查結論摘要公告,並刊登 公報。但情形特殊者,其審查期限之延長以六十日為限。第 13- 1 條 環境影響說明書或評估書初稿經主管機關受理後,於審查時認有應補正情 形者,主管機關應詳列補正所需資料,通知開發單位限期補正。開發單位 未於期限內補正或補正未符主管機關規定者,主管機關應函請目的事業主 管機關駁回開發行為許可之申請,並副知開發單位。 開發單位於前項補正期間屆滿前,得申請展延或撤回審查案件。第 14 條 目的事業主管機關於環境影響說明書未經完成審查或評估書未經認可前, 不得為開發行為之許可,其經許可者,無效。 經主管機關審查認定不應開發者,目的事業主管機關不得為開發行為之許 可。但開發單位得另行提出替代方案,重新送主管機關審查。 開發單位依前項提出之替代方案,如就原地點重新規劃時,不得與主管機 關原審查認定不應開發之理由牴觸。第 15 條 同一場所,有二個以上之開發行為同時實施者,得合併進行評估。第 16 條 已通過之環境影響說明書或評估書,非經主管機關及目的事業主管機關核 准,不得變更原申請內容。 前項之核准,其應重新辦理環境影響評估之認定,於本法施行細則定之。第 16- 1 條 開發單位於通過環境影響說明書或評估書審查,並取得目的事業主管機關 核發之開發許可後,逾三年始實施開發行為時,應提出環境現況差異分析 及對策檢討報告,送主管機關審查。主管機關未完成審查前,不得實施開 發行為。第 17 條 開發單位應依環境影響說明書、評估書所載之內容及審查結論,切實執行 。第 18 條 開發行為進行中及完成後使用時,應由目的事業主管機關追蹤,並由主管 機關監督環境影響說明書、評估書及審查結論之執行情形;必要時,得命 開發單位定期提出環境影響調查報告書。 開發單位作成前項調查報告書時,應就開發行為進行前及完成後使用時之 環境差異調查、分析,並與環境影響說明書、評估書之預測結果相互比對 檢討。 主管機關發現對環境造成不良影響時,應命開發單位限期提出因應對策, 於經主管機關核准後,切實執行。第 19 條 目的事業主管機關追蹤或主管機關監督環境影響評估案時,得行使警察職 權。必要時,並得商請轄區內之憲警協助之。第 三 章 罰則 第 20 條 依第七條、第十一條、第十三條或第十八條規定提出之文書,明知為不實 之事項而記載者,處三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或科或併科新臺幣三萬元以 下罰金。第 21 條 開發單位不遵行目的事業主管機關依本法所為停止開發行為之命令者,處 負責人三年以下有期徒刑或拘役,得併科新臺幣三十萬元以下罰金。第 22 條 開發單位於未經主管機關依第七條或依第十三條規定作成認可前,即逕行 為第五條第一項規定之開發行為者,處新臺幣三十萬元以上一百五十萬元 以下罰鍰,並由主管機關轉請目的事業主管機關,命其停止實施開發行為 。必要時,主管機關得逕命其停止實施開發行為其不遵行者,處負責人三 年以下有期徒刑或拘役,得併科新臺幣三十萬元以下罰金。第 23 條 有下列情形之一,處新臺幣三十萬元以上一百五十萬元以下罰鍰,並限期 改善;屆期仍未改善者,得按日連續處罰: 一、違反第七條第三項、第十六條之一或第十七條之規定者。 二、違反第十八條第一項,未提出環境影響調查報告書或違反第十八條第 三項,未提出因應對策或不依因應對策切實執行者。 三、違反第二十八條未提出因應對策或不依因應對策切實執行者。 前項情形,情節重大者,得由主管機關轉請目的事業主管機關,命其停止 實施開發行為。必要時,主管機關得逕命其停止實施開發行為,其不遵行 者,處負責人三年以下有期徒刑或拘役,得併科新臺幣三十萬元以下罰金 。 開發單位因天災或其他不可抗力事由,致不能於第一項之改善期限內完成 改善者,應於其原因消滅後繼續進行改善,並於三十日內以書面敘明理由 ,檢具有關證明文件,向主管機關申請核定賸餘期間之起算日。 第二項所稱情節重大,指下列情形之一: 一、開發單位造成廣泛之公害或嚴重之自然資源破壞者。 二、開發單位未依主管機關審查結論或環境影響說明書、評估書之承諾執 行,致危害人體健康或農林漁牧資源者。 三、經主管機關按日連續處罰三十日仍未完成改善者。 開發單位經主管機關依第二項處分停止實施開發行為者,應於恢復實施開 發行為前,檢具改善計畫執行成果,報請主管機關查驗;其經主管機關限 期改善而自行申報停止實施開發行為者,亦同。經查驗不合格者,不得恢 復實施開發行為。 前項停止實施開發行為期間,為防止環境影響之程度、範圍擴大,主管機 關應會同有關機關,依據相關法令要求開發單位進行復整改善及緊急應變 措施。不遵行者,主管機關得函請目的事業主管機關廢止其許可。 第一項及第四項所稱按日連續處罰,其起算日、暫停日、停止日、改善完 成認定查驗及其他應遵行事項,由中央主管機關定之。 開發單位違反本法或依本法授權訂定之相關命令而主管機關疏於執行時, 受害人民或公益團體得敘明疏於執行之具體內容,以書面告知主管機關。 主管機關於書面告知送達之日起六十日內仍未依法執行者,人民或公益團 體得以該主管機關為被告,對其怠於執行職務之行為,直接向行政法院提 起訴訟,請求判令其執行。 行政法院為前項判決時,得依職權判令被告機關支付適當律師費用、偵測 鑑定費用或其他訴訟費用予對預防及減輕開發行為對環境造成不良影響有 具體貢獻之原告。 第八項之書面告知格式,由中央主管機關定之。第 23- 1 條 開發單位經依本法處罰並通知限期改善,應於期限屆滿前提出改善完成之 報告或證明文件,向主管機關報請查驗。 開發單位未依前項辦理者,視為未完成改善。第 24 條 依本法所處罰鍰,經通知限期繳納,屆期不繳納者,移送法院強制執行。第 四 章 附則 第 25 條 開發行為涉及軍事秘密及緊急性國防工程者,其環境影響評估之有關作業 ,由中央主管機關會同國防部另定之。第 26 條 有影響環境之虞之政府政策,其環境影響評估之有關作業,由中央主管機 關另定之。第 27 條 主管機關審查開發單位依第七條、第十一條、第十三條或第十八條規定提 出之環境影響說明書、評估書初稿、評估書或環境影響調查報告書,得收 取審查費前項收費辦法,由中央主管機關另定之。第 28 條 本法施行前已實施而尚未完成之開發行為,主管機關認有必要時,得命開 發單位辦理環境影響之調查、分析,並提出因應對策,於經主管機關核准 後,切實執行。第 29 條 本法施行前已完成環境影響說明書或環境影響評估報告書,並經審查作成 審查結論,而未依審查結論執行者,主管機關及相關主管機關應命開發單 位依本法第十八條相關規定辦理,開發單位不得拒絕。第 30 條 當地居民依本法所為之行為,得以書面委任他人代行之。第 31 條 本法施行細則,由中央主管機關定之。第 32 條 本法自公布日施行。
黑牌潛能營 逼童吞火練膽 - 這些家長是白吃嗎?乾脆跟我去出野外好了 XDD
潛能營 逼童吞火練膽
更新日期:2009/10/22 02:37 黃文博/台南報導中國時報【黃文博/台南報導】
2009年10月21日 星期三
自由電子報 - 中科四期廢水 不排濁水溪
中科四期廢水 不排濁水溪擬導入國光石化 或排外海〔記者黃維助、劉力仁、林國賢、吳為恭、顏宏駿、蘇金鳳/綜合報導〕對於中科四期廢、污水排放爭議,行政院長吳敦義昨天接見雲林縣長蘇治芬等人時允諾,配合國光石化的建廠,可考慮將處理過的十三萬噸廢、污水引導進入國光石化,或排入外海。
環團︰流入外海 養殖業一樣受害吳揆指出,中科四期廢、污水排放問題,原先協調方案就是不污染濁水溪及舊濁水溪,廢、污水經處理之後,幾乎等於歐盟最高排放標準,已非廢、污水了。吳揆強調,本來排放管線是延長至入海口,經討論後,放流點將經由低潮線起算加長三公里的排放管排放至海域,等於海洋放流的觀念,而延伸管線增加的經費,業者也願意吸收。
Beijing’s Air Is Cleaner, but Far From Clean - - 我喜歡這個標題。
Beijing’s Air Is Cleaner, but Far From Clean
Du Bin for The New York TimesBLUE-SKY DAY Tourists enjoying one of the better days for air quality in Beijing. There were 221 such “blue-sky days” this year through September, a city record since the index began in 1998.
Published: October 16, 2009BEIJING — This city’s network of arterials, five ring roads that are fed by nine more freeways, is barely two decades old, but it is already sclerotic. Roughly four million vehicles clog Beijing roads, seven times the number about 15 years ago. On any given day, another 1,500 new vehicles join the crush.
Skip to next paragraphSo it is no surprise that Beijing has some of the worst air pollution of any big city on earth.
No, the surprise is this: Beijing’s air is actually getting cleaner.
China may have a hard-earned reputation for long-neglected and fearsome environmental problems, from poisoned rivers to chemical-belching smelters. But the nation’s capital, Beijing, is trying hard to clean up its dirty air.
The results show up not only in recent pitch-perfect October days, but in the data that for years have presented a bleak picture of pollution here.
Through September, the government counted 221 days in which the 0-to-500 pollution index — the lower the number, the better — was below 101. It was the greatest number of “blue-sky days,” as the city calls them, since daily measurements were first published in 1998.
At the same time, the city has recorded only 2 days with dangerously high air pollution. That is the lowest number in a decade, and fully 17 days fewer than were logged in the same period in 2000.
Outside experts caution that the city’s measurements are not just imprecise — they do not measure the tiniest particulates that are most damaging to lungs, for instance — but potentially misleading.
The government index is a 24-hour average of readings from monitors citywide. In contrast, a single monitor operated by the United States Embassy in downtown Beijing, where traffic is heavy, consistently reports less healthy air conditions than the official index.
And Beijing’s air remains far from pristine by any measure. The average concentration of particulates in city air during 2008, for example, was six times the ideal standard recommended by the World Health Organization. Indeed, Beijing has yet to meet the W.H.O.’s interim air standards for developing countries — or even the less stringent standards posted by China’s national government.
Yet if the air remains bad, experts say, the trend toward clearer skies is both steady and undeniable.
“For those of us who have been monitoring air pollutants for about 10 years, we see a clear reduction in pollution,” Zhu Tong, a professor and air pollution scientist at Peking University’s College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, said in an interview.
In the past decade, in fact, authorities have moved against air pollution problems with a tenacity that some environmentalists in developed nations, pitted against industry lobbyists and balky political machinery, can only envy.
Consider: since 1999, the city has ratcheted up its new-car emissions standards from nonexistent to the level of Euro IV, the same clean-tailpipe requirements that are now enforced across the European Union nations. The rest of China will move to Euro IV next year.
With the switch to Euro IV, Beijing environmental officials last year ordered a 90 percent reduction in the sulfur content of gasoline and diesel fuel, as well as significant new cuts in polluting compounds like benzene and aromatic hydrocarbons in gasoline.
Nor is that all. More than 4,100 of the 20,000 city buses run on clean-burning compressed or liquefied natural gas — the largest such fleet in the world. The Beijing subway system, currently about 125 miles of tunnels and overhead tracks, is undergoing a breakneck expansion that will nearly triple its length in the next five years.
Nor is that all, either. Before last year’s Olympics, the government imposed a regimen based on even and odd license-plate numbers that effectively banned half of all private automobiles from the road on weekdays. Officials — and the public — liked it so much that a modified version, banning one in five cars, is now a permanent rule.
The city also bans heavy trucks from entering the city during the day; after dark, the 18-wheelers can be seen lining up on suburban freeways, waiting for permission to enter. The oldest, dirtiest automobiles — called “yellow-label” cars, after the sticker glued to their windshields — are banned from the center city altogether.
And in July, 11 national government ministries took a leaf from the Obama administration’s Cash for Clunkers program and began offering rebates of $440 to $880 to people who trade in old high-pollution cars and trucks for new ones. Officials estimate that the program will sweep about 2.7 million dirty autos from the roads nationwide.
Impressive as all that is, it may not be enough. While Beijing’s air is cleaner now than in the recent past, the improvements have been largely, though not totally, offset by a sevenfold increase in the number of vehicles since 1993.
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Li Bibo and Zhang Jing in Beijing contributed research.
The fight against Malta's illegal bird hunt - 這篇可以拿來跟墾丁捕候鳥的新聞比較。
The fight against Malta's illegal bird hunt
Malta is an important way-point for birds migrating between Europe and Africa. But the spring and autumn migrations attract illegal hunters, who pick off the birds as they fly overhead. There has been a huge rise in illegal hunting in recent years, prompting conservationist group BirdLife Malta to set up camps to deter illegal hunters. Volunteer Steve Butler reports on his experiences at this year's camp.
One morning the bodies of 201 protected birds were discoveredIt's 0545 and I am sitting on the edge of a cliff overlooking a valley at Mtahleb with my team of fellow volunteers, waiting for the sun to rise.
I strain my eyes to distinguish the figures moving around in the darkness of the surrounding countryside.
As we listen to the dogs barking and the sound of gunshots echoing around the hills, we wonder how the hunters can see the birds at this hour, never mind shoot them.
In the first light we start to discern the hunters' dogs running in and out of the bushes to flush out quail and turtle dove. One is successful: a turtle dove leaves the tree, we hear shouting and see a hunter raise his gun towards the bird which has flown directly in front of us.
In Malta, hunting licences allow the shooting of turtle dove, quail, woodcock and duck. There is a loud gunshot and we instinctively drop to the floor. As the bird plummets and lead rains down beside us, we wonder if it was skill or fluke that prevented the hunter from shooting one of us by mistake in his frenzy to kill the bird.
The sound of lead periodically sprinkling down around us throughout the early morning is quite unnerving and we are pleased when the sun has finally risen.
Black storks downed
I pack away my binoculars and prepare to head back to camp for breakfast. It has been an uneventful morning for my team - no illegal hunting activity and no protected species to record.
On other days, we are fortunate enough to see the migration of many birds of prey - including kestrels, honey buzzards and marsh harriers - as well as large flocks of herons and even the occasional black stork.
The birds follow three main paths to migrate between the continents:
- East over the Bosporus and Turkey
- West over Gibraltar
- South over Italy and the central Mediterranean islands, including the Maltese archipelago
Sadly during my volunteering, I have witnessed many protected birds being shot down by Maltese hunters.
Volunteers at the camp monitor the migration of birds and illegal huntingThe previous morning we had uncovered the bodies of 201 protected birds in the Mizieb woodland. We then failed to protect two black storks.
We made our presence known, but the hunters clearly felt the storks were a prize worth the risk.
With every hillside lined with hunters, the large, majestic birds did not stand a chance as they slowly circled overhead, looking for a spot to roost for the night.
Three extinct species
Despite these setbacks, I feel as volunteers, we do make a difference to the problem of illegal hunting in Malta.
There are many situations in which I think if we were not here in our bright red BirdLife shirts, these special birds would almost certainly have been killed.
"While BirdLife's position is not anti-hunting, there is a very serious problem with illegal hunting in Malta, which dates back many years," says Geoff Saliba of BirdLife Malta.
The Maltese archipelago is on one of three main migration routes"Three species have gone extinct in the Maltese islands as a result of illegal hunting - the peregrine falcon, the barn owl and the jackdaw."
One legal hunter (who asked not to be named) has spoken out against illegal hunting in Malta.
"Illegal hunters are destroying the sport I have enjoyed since a child with my grandfather and father," he says.
He adds that the illegal shooting of birds he witnesses on a daily basis is "heartbreaking".
"The youngsters that are doing this do not understand hunting, it is not in their blood, they just want to shoot at anything that flies," he adds.
"Sometimes you see them chasing protected birds in their cars or on motorbikes."
Bird cemetery
The unnamed hunter feels the government needs to make more effort to eradicate illegal hunters by taking measures such as confiscating gun licences.
Volunteers are unable to stop many hunters from shooting the birdsA recent ruling by the European Court has criticised the Maltese government for allowing the hunting of dove and quail during the spring seasons of 2004 - 2007.
The ruling, which has been welcomed by BirdLife, stated that the Maltese government was at fault for not complying with EU birds' directive.
Throughout this autumn's bird migration, even in light of the discovery of the well-publicised "bird cemetery" in Mizieb, the shooting of the black storks and numerous other protected species, the Maltese government has so far failed to comment.
With under-resourced law enforcement and a culture of fear amongst those against illegal hunting, it seems that, for the time-being, BirdLife Malta and its international volunteers could be the birds' best hope.
Turtles prefer the 'city life' - 最近烏龜是Mac聚會的重要話題之一
Turtles prefer the 'city life'
By Jody Bourton
Earth News reporter
Suburban survivor, the eastern long-necked turtle
Urbanisation has long been at odds with wildlife.
However, scientists have found a turtle that does better in a suburban habitat than it does in nature reserves.
Eastern long-necked turtles living in the suburbs of Australia have larger home ranges and cope better with periods of drought.
The reptiles also appear to grow and survive better, suggesting suburban environments may sometimes be superior places to live than natural ones.
Scientists have published the findings in the journal Biological Conservation.
Suburban landscapes, despite their many challenges, may be higher quality habitats than nature reserves for turtles
Dr John Row
University of Canberra, AustraliaEastern long-necked turtles (Chelodina longicollis) are common across much of south eastern Australia.
They are carnivorous, feeding on fish, frogs and crayfish and can be found in many freshwater habitats in the wild and in towns and cities.
However, throughout the world urbanisation can be damaging to many animals, resulting in loss of habitat and the disappearance of species.
So the researchers examined how the long-necked turtle responds to urban living and drought.
They did this by comparing turtles that lived in the suburbs of Canberra, Australia to those in adjacent nature reserves.
What they found surprised them.
"We expected suburban turtles to move around less than those on the nature reserves in response to the many threats that suburban turtles could encounter, but we found the opposite," says Dr John Roe, a member of the research team from the Institute for Applied Ecology at the University of Canberra, Australia.
"Suburban turtles travelled longer distances and occupied home ranges nearly three times larger than turtles in the nature reserves," he says.
Long-necked commuter
The researchers attached miniature radio transmitters to the turtles in each habitat and followed their weekly movements over the course of a year.
Both turtle populations made long journeys of up to two and a half kilometres between bodies of water.
Staying cool in suburbia?"Given their extensive movements, we expected that suburban turtles would have a high rate of encounters with vehicles on roads, and thus fewer would survive," Dr Roe says.
"Despite this, suburban turtles did not suffer appreciably higher mortality than their counterparts on reserve lands, only one of our 36 radio tracked turtles was hit by a vehicle," he told BBC News.
Vegetated drainage lines and drainage culverts running under roads in the suburbs of Canberra protected the turtles.
"The vegetated drainage lines and culverts allowed the turtles to move about and use the landscape in normal ways, which reduced their exposure to urban threats and allowed them to avoid suffering from excessive road mortality," Dr Roe explains.
Suburban oasis
The turtles' responses to drought also surprised the team.
Turtles in the nature reserves responded to the drying up of the wetlands by estivating, lying dormant buried under leaf litter.
However, suburban turtles did not need to.
It would be interesting to determine whether well-designed urban areas hold any promise as long term drought refuges
Dr John Row
University of Canberra, Australia"Water bodies are often incorporated into urban design for the purposes of storm water removal and retention," Dr Row says.
So "suburban water bodies remain flooded, allowing turtles to maintain aquatic activities throughout the drought."
That means turtles living in towns and cities are immune to the worst effects of prolonged drought, which can deplete wild turtles' energy and water stores.
"It appears that the suburban landscapes, despite their many challenges, may be higher quality habitats than nature reserves for turtles during drought," Dr Row says.
Life in the suburbs
Dr Row also has evidence suggesting that suburban turtles outperform their counterparts on nature reserves in other aspects of their life history.
"We have additional data that demonstrates higher population abundances, growth rates, and evidence of at least equivalent recruitment from reproduction in suburban turtles," he says.
Dr Row hopes to continue the research to see if this trend is represented over the turtles' entire life span.
He also hopes to monitor the turtles' response to the frequent droughts that are gripping much of Australia whilst exploring how suburban areas, road design and urban planning may effect them.
"It would be interesting to determine whether well-designed urban areas hold any promise as long term drought refuges for some turtle populations."