2010年3月22日 星期一

台塑仁武廠污染 百人嗆遷廠 - 話說,有人記得RCA 這個案子嗎?

台塑仁武廠污染 百人嗆遷廠

  • 新聞快訊
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稀有珊瑚貿易禁令 日本帶頭封殺 - 台灣目前是開放執照方式來採珊瑚的,所以不用問台灣的立場在那。

稀有珊瑚貿易禁令 日本帶頭封殺









【2010/03/23 聯合報】

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2010年3月20日 星期六

台塑仁武廠毒水 疑污染橋頭鄉1390公頃農田- 台塑很Nice 的,一定是有什麼誤會,或者交了壞朋友。

台塑仁武廠毒水 疑污染橋頭鄉1390公頃農田

更新日期:2010/03/21 04:11




環團疑後勁溪被污染 台塑否認












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Kangaroo knocks runner unconscious - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Kangaroo knocks runner unconscious

Posted Sat Mar 20, 2010 12:49pm AEDT

Runner David Striegl was attacked by a kangaroo

David Striegl, 25, was attacked by a kangaroo while out jogging. (AAP: Mark Graham )

A Canberra vet says a kangaroo that attacked and knocked unconscious a man out jogging was probably acting to protect his territory.

A 25-year-old man from Macgregor was running during his lunch break on Thursday at Mt Ainslie when he was attacked by a kangaroo.

Canberra vet Michael Archinald says the case does not surprise him.

"They get very territorial at certain times of the year as well, they're protecting their flock," he said.

"They get very antsy and of course this guy would have been running and that's quite a threatening thing to a roo and the roo is like, fight or flight, so in it goes."

Tags: human-interest, animal-attacks, australia, act, canberra-2600

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2010年3月19日 星期五

安里屋小調 夏川里美 ※ Mojim.com 


你啊 是不是被野外的薔薇牽絆
啊 我心愛的美麗的人兒

啊 男女之間的愛戀 讓人歡喜卻又羞怯
我的他是白百合 你還是死了這條心吧
啊 我心愛的美麗的人兒

啊 陰曆十六的月夜裡 拔著田中雜草的兩個人
啊 我心愛的美麗的人兒

啊 讓我為你染一件 藏青色的短袖外衣吧
你要穿上它 象徵我們的情愛
啊 我心愛的美麗的人兒

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中科不停工 立委砲轟環保署-Yahoo!奇摩新聞

中科不停工 立委砲轟環保署

更新日期:2010/03/19 00:07 胡慕情














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2010年3月18日 星期四

自由電子報 - 華盛頓公約/鯊魚保育提案 中日俄聯手封殺

華盛頓公約/鯊魚保育提案 中日俄聯手封殺


非約束力提案 仍遇阻擋









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2010年3月17日 星期三


正在�� 鬼吹�2 使用 http://itunes.com/apps/Stanza. “第一卷 �皮子� 第 十九章 引魂�”: 不愧是�人的母�,�出�的�就是不一�,她不直接�你能不 能不抽�了?而是�能不能少抽一�?�是多��大的一句哲言啊,既�柔善良, 又推己�人,不愧是女人中的女人,在被他母����重心�的��之後,列�同 志就再也�吸��

C. H. Chen
Taiwan Wader Study Group

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2010年3月16日 星期二

陳文茜 | 屏東人的命運- Scale 太小了,太小了。黑珍珠怎麼來的?灌海水,放水淹樹根呀!

陳文茜 | 屏東人的命運
March 13, 2010










《±2℃》原來有一段我撰寫的文稿,因找不到畫面而刪除。一位養殖業者不願露臉,他悲哀地說:「知道海平面上升又如何?我什麼也不能做。」語氣並無悲憤,只有悲嘆。他不相信命運能翻轉,因此也不願被紀錄片小組收音。對他而言,屏東人有若罹癌末期的病人,只能一天一天等待大限來臨。 屏東人,需要我們的關注。屏東人也應學馬爾地夫,向世界尤其向全台灣發聲。屏東人有著美麗的黑珍珠,他們有權力嚮往美麗、而不是等待悲劇的未來。



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2010年3月15日 星期一

中國‧沈陽動物園員工爆黑幕‧餓死老虎釀虎骨酒 | 星洲日報


  • 沈陽市政府秘書長張景輝週日(3月14日)召開新聞發佈會,他稱,11隻東北虎系非正常死亡,但死亡的具體原因尚在調查中。新聞發佈會只持續了10分鐘,會後張景輝被記者團團圍住。(圖:互聯網)

  • 今年大年初一,瀋陽森林野生動物園人員正在檢查一隻被同類咬掉下半身的東北虎,據說,動物園老虎因太過饑餓,竟發生老虎吃老虎的“相食”事件。(圖:互聯網)

1 of 2

































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2010年3月14日 星期日

BBC News - Ivory and bluefin tuna top agenda at UN wildlife summit - 黑鮪魚跟象牙放在同一個高度了。

Ivory and bluefin tuna top agenda at UN wildlife summit

By Richard Black
Environment correspondent, BBC News

A further two African nations are bidding for ivory sales

Sales of ivory and a possible ban on trading bluefin tuna top the agenda for the two-week CITES meeting that opens this weekend in Doha, Qatar.

CITES - the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species - will set a precedent if it votes to ban trading in a lucrative fish such as bluefin.

The US and EU back the proposal, but Japan is set against.

Conservation groups are also hoping for increased protection on sharks, coral, polar bears, lizards and amphibians.

African disunity

The ivory and tuna issues are both potentially controversial.

This is a key conservation moment - whether the governments here will vote for the conservation of bluefin tuna
Dr Sue Lieberman
Pew Environment Group

International ivory trading was banned in 1989.

But countries considered to have well-managed stocks of elephants and reliable systems for tracking tusks have three times been allowed to sell consignments from government stockpiles.

Zambia and Tanzania are now seeking permission for a further sale.

But other African nations led by Kenya and Mali want a 20-year ban on all ivory exports. They argue that the legal trade stimulates poaching, which has been on the rise in recent years.

"To permit any step towards further trade in ivory makes no sense whatsoever - it flies in the face of every basic conservation principle and is contrary to the agreement made at the last meeting," said Jason Bell-Leask from the International Fund for Animal Welfare (Ifaw).

However, the organisation Traffic - which is charged with collecting data on illegal elephant killings and ivory smuggling - maintains there is no proof of a link.

The endangered Luristan newt

Data from its Elephant Trade Information System (Etis) shows that the rate of seizures of illegal ivory began rising well in 2004, well before the last one-off legal ivory sale was authorised in 2007.

And the previous one-off sale, in 1999, co-incided with a fall in seizures.

Etis manager Tom Milliken argues that African governments wanting to stem the rising ivory tide would be better advised to step up enforcement efforts against poachers and traders.

And China, the principal market for illegal ivory, should live up to its promises to act against smuggling gangs, he says.

Otherwise, he says: "Arguments over the impacts of one-off sales will continue to divert attention away from the real problem: finding ways to stop the flow of illicit ivory at source."

Tuna battles

The chances of CITES voting to ban the international trade in Atlantic bluefin tuna increased markedly during the week when - after months of wrangling - the EU decided to give its support.

The bloc includes several nations with tuna fleets in the Mediterranean, the main fishing ground.

Threatened organisms listed on three appendices depending on level of risk
Appendix 1 - all international trade banned
Appendix 2 - international trade monitored and regulated
Appendix 3 - trade bans by individual governments, others asked to assist
"Uplisting" - moving organism to a more protective appendix; "downlisting" - the reverse
Conferences of the Parties (COPs) held every three years
CITES administered by UN Environment Programme (Unep)

Conservation groups argue that the ban is needed because governments involved in the industry have allowed overfishing to such an extent that the species' survival is in some doubt.

They also argue that a pause in fishing will eventually lead to higher catches.

"The goal is not to ban trade indefinitely, but to suspend international trade until the species recovers sufficiently to enable international trade to resume," said Sue Lieberman, director of international policy with the Pew Environment Group.

"This is a key conservation moment - whether the governments here will vote for the conservation of bluefin tuna, or will allow commercial fishery interests to prevail, further causing over-fishing and continued decline of this iconic species," she told BBC News from Doha.

Japan has indicated that it would opt out of a trade ban, as it is entitled to do under CITES rules.

But if all other tuna fishing countries went along with it, there would be no supply of tuna to import.

Conservation groups are urging the EU and US to make sure that other tuna fishing countries, particularly North African states bordering the Mediterranean, do not opt out.

Skin and teeth

The CITES meeting will also consider a US proposal to ban international trade in items originating from polar bears.

Rapid melting of Arctic sea ice in recent decades has placed the polar bear on the Red List of Threatened Species.

The delicate red and pink corals are highly prized by jewellers

About 2,000 items are traded internationally each year, including skin, skulls, teeth and claws.

Although this is not considered to be the major threat to the species' survival, the US feels that the trade ban would be a help, and would not intrude on the rights of Arctic indigenous peoples with a history of hunting polar bears for meat and skin.

Other proposals would see trade banned in a number of reptiles and amphibians, including three iguanas from Mexico and the critically endangered Luristan newt of Iran.

Four species of shark are also up for consideration, as are the red and pink Corallium corals from the Mediterranean that are used in the jewellery trade.

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2010年3月13日 星期六

Access : Somatic sex identity is cell autonomous in the chicken : Nature

Nature 464, 237-242 (11 March 2010) | doi:10.1038/nature08852; Received 10 August 2009; Accepted 18 January 2010

Open Innovation Challenges


Somatic sex identity is cell autonomous in the chicken

D. Zhao1,5, D. McBride1,5, S. Nandi1, H. A. McQueen3, M. J. McGrew1, P. M. Hocking2, P. D. Lewis4, H. M. Sang1 & M. Clinton1

  1. Division of Developmental Biology and,
  2. Division of Genetics and Genomics, The Roslin Institute and Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh, Roslin, Midlothian EH25 9PS, UK
  3. Institute of Cell Biology, University of Edinburgh, West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JR, UK
  4. Animal and Poultry Science Department, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
  5. These authors contributed equally to this work.

Correspondence to: M. Clinton1 Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to M.C. (Email: Michael.clinton@roslin.ed.ac.uk).


In the

mammalian model of sex determination, embryos are considered to be sexually indifferent until the transient action of a sex-determining gene initiates gonadal differentiation. Although this model is thought to apply to all vertebrates, this has yet to be established. Here we have examined three lateral gynandromorph chickens (a rare, naturally occurring phenomenon in which one side of the animal appears male and the other female) to investigate the sex-determining mechanism in birds. These studies demonstrated that gynandromorph birds are genuine male:female chimaeras, and indicated that male and female avian somatic cells may have an inherent sex identity. To test this hypothesis, we transplanted presumptive mesoderm between embryos of reciprocal sexes to generate embryos containing male:female chimaeric gonads. In contrast to the outcome for mammalian mixed-sex chimaeras, in chicken mixed-sex chimaeras the donor cells were excluded from the functional structures of the host gonad. In an example where female tissue was transplanted into a male host, donor cells contributing to the developing testis retained a female identity and expressed a marker of female function. Our study demonstrates that avian somatic cells possess an inherent sex identity and that, in birds, sexual differentiation is substantively cell autonomous.
  1. Division of Developmental Biology and,
  2. Division of Genetics and Genomics, The Roslin Institute and Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh, Roslin, Midlothian EH25 9PS, UK
  3. Institute of Cell Biology, University of Edinburgh, West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JR, UK
  4. Animal and Poultry Science Department, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
  5. These authors contributed equally to this work.

Correspondence to: M. Clinton1 Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to M.C. (Email: Michael.clinton@roslin.ed.ac.uk).

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2010年3月9日 星期二

自由電子報 - 線路凸槌 樂多日誌斷線5小時 - 我斷到現在...

線路凸槌 樂多日誌斷線5小時



樂多表示,網誌平台無法連上是因網域註冊商Network solution線路故障,並不是被駭客入侵,請網友放心,待國外網域註冊商修復,狀況才能全部解除。不過截至晚間為止,部份部落格仍無法正常連上,網友則分享連上樂多的方法。



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THE COVE - 日本與鯨豚的戰爭仍然持續中

2010年3月8日 星期一

偽虎鯨半夜拖上岸 一覺醒來剩半條 - 放風聲出去,一下就可以把怕死的人拎回籠

偽虎鯨半夜拖上岸 一覺醒來剩半條






【2010/03/09 中央社】

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2010年3月4日 星期四

Do scientists really need a PhD? : Article : Nature


Nature 464, 7 (4 March 2010) | doi:10.1038/464007a; Published online 3 March 2010

Do scientists really need a PhD?


Young scientists at a Chinese genomics institute are foregoing conventional postgraduate training for the chance to be part of major scientific initiatives. Is this the way of the future?

The approach to extended postgraduate training varies from country to country. The United States and Europe, for example, have long believed that students need to finish a multiyear programme of postgraduate work before they can fully participate in the front rank of research, whether in industry or academia.

In Asia, scientific communities instead tend to value directed, practical research. In Japan, for example, industry accounts for a much higher proportion of the scientific budget than in the West, and managers there often say that they prefer university graduates who they can train in-house. As a result, relatively little emphasis is given to academic postgraduate training.

Perhaps the most extreme example of this approach is at the BGI in Shenzen, China — the genomic-sequencing juggernaut formerly known as the Beijing Genomics Institute (see page 22). Some 500 Chinese university students have already signed up to join the BGI after they graduate this summer. There they will help to piece together DNA data from an expanding set of sequences for microbes, plants and animals. The students will join a cohort of young bioinformaticians who get their data from the most advanced sequencing equipment, process them on what will soon be one of the world's fastest computers, collaborate with international leaders of their respective fields, publish — as first authors — in premier international journals, attend conferences and accept interviews.

If Nature's interviews are anything to go by, these BGI researchers are smart, confident and, for their age, tremendously experienced. Yet few of them seem to have any plans to pursue postgraduate education. Are these budding scientists short-changing themselves by focusing so single-mindedly on one category of technical expertise in the shape of high-throughput genomic sequencing? Would the slower, less tightly focused training provided by Western-style postgraduate study ultimately allow them to become more imaginative and creative in their research?

By focusing on one category of technical expertise are the BGI's budding scientists short-changing themselves?

The answer is not clear-cut. Although external collaborators provide the scientific agenda for most BGI projects, the institute's youngsters work closely with them on the design of the projects, giving scientific input and integrating the scientific needs of their collaborators into the data analysis. China's staid hierarchy and the reliance of its education system on learning by rote are often blamed for destroying creativity, so this chance for self-direction and the assumption of responsibility for a project may well help to produce the dynamic leaders of the future.

Nonetheless, the burden of proof for this experiment is on the BGI. Can the organization prepare its student-workers to meet the wide range of skills needed by industry and academia? Will they understand not just the science and technology of their research, but also ethical aspects such as the need for data integrity, the maintenance of standards and the protection of confidential human-subject information? Will this group be able to train the next generation, given that both the biology and the technology are likely to keep changing dramatically?

The BGI has yet to show how successfully it can answer such questions. It is, however, already bringing university professors in from a nearby university to lecture its students. And it is enhancing its in-house expertise by hiring academically trained biologists who can help to design biologically, medically or agriculturally relevant projects.

Given the increasing rigidity and length of the Western academic pipeline — which now extends so far beyond the PhD that the average age for first-time principal investigators on grants from the US National Institutes of Health is 42 — the BGI model may be worth serious consideration. From one perspective, it is just a logical, albeit radical, extension of programmes such as the US National Science Foundation's Research Experience for Undergraduates, which have demonstrated that younger students can usefully participate in and contribute to hands-on research. If the BGI can pull it off, it might find itself a model not only for creative approaches to genomics but also for education and training.

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BBC News - Did the discovery of cooking make us human?

Did the discovery of cooking make us human?

By Clare Kingston
BBC Horizon


Learning to cook created 'big brains'

Cooking is something we all take for granted but a new theory suggests that if we had not learned to cook food, not only would we still look like chimps but, like them, we would also be compelled to spend most of the day chewing.

Without cooking, an average person would have to eat around five kilos of raw food to get enough calories to survive.

The daily mountain of fruit and vegetables would mean a six-hour chewing marathon.

It is already accepted that the introduction of meat into our ancestors' diet caused their brains to grow and their intelligence to increase.

Meat - a more concentrated form of energy - not only meant bigger brains for our ancestors, but also an end to the need to devote nearly all their time to foraging to maintain energy levels.

As a consequence, more time was available for social structure to develop.


Harvard Professor Richard Wrangham believes there is more to it than simply discovering meat.

Australopithecus was ape-like but walked upright like humans

He thinks that it is not so much a change in the ingredients of our diet, but the way in which we prepare them that has caused the radical evolution of our species.

"I think cooking is arguably the biggest increase in the quality of the diet in the whole of the history of life," he says.

"Our ancestors most probably dropped food in fire accidently. They would have found it was delicious and that set us off on a whole new direction."

To understand how and when our bodies changed, we need to take a closer look at what our ancestors ate by studying the fossil records.

Our earliest ancestor was the ape-like Australopithecus.

Australopithecus had a large belly containing a big large-intestine, essential to digest the robust plant matter, and had large, flat teeth which it used for grinding and crushing tough vegetation.

None the less, it was Australopithecus that moved out of the trees and onto the African savannah, and started to eat the animals that grazed there.

And it was this change of habitat, lifestyle and diet that also prompted major changes in anatomy.

Bigger brain

The eating of meat ties in with an evolutionary shift 2.3 million years ago resulting in a more human-looking ancestor with sharper teeth and a 30% bigger brain, called Homo habilis.

Scan of human head
The brain consumes 20% of a person's energy while sitting

The most momentous shift however, happened 1.8 million years ago when Homo erectus - our first "truly human" ancestor arrived on the scene.

Homo erectus had an even bigger brain, smaller jaws and teeth.

Erectus also had a similar body shape to us. Shorter arms and longer legs appeared, and gone was the large vegetable-processing gut, meaning that Erectus could not only walk upright, but could also run.

He was cleverer and faster, and - according to Professor Wrangham - he had learned how to cook.

"Cooking made our guts smaller," he says. "Once we cooked our food, we didn't need big guts.

"They're costly in terms of energy. Individuals that were born with small guts were able to save energy, have more babies and survive better."

Professor Peter Wheeler from Liverpool John Moores University and his colleague, Leslie Aiello, think it was this change in our digestive system that specifically allowed our brains to get larger.

Energy transfer

Cooking food breaks down its cells, meaning that our stomachs need to do less work to liberate the nutrients our bodies need.

This, says Wheeler, "freed up energy which could then be used to power a larger brain. The increase in brain-size mirrors the reduction in the size of the gut."

Significantly Wheeler and Aiello found that the reduction in the size of our digestive system was exactly the same amount that our brains grew by - 20%.

Professor Stephen Secor at the University of Alabama found that not only does cooked food release more energy, but the body uses less energy in digesting it.

He uses pythons as a model for digestion as they stay still for up to six days while digesting a meal. This makes them the perfect model as the only energy they expend is on digestion.

His research shows that pythons use 24% less energy digesting cooked meat, compared with raw.

So being human might all be down to energy.

Cooking is essentially a form of pre-digestion, which has transferred energy use from our guts to our brains.

According to Professors Wheeler and Wrangham and their colleagues, it is no coincidence that humans - the cleverest species on earth - are also the only species that cooks.

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Human Culture Plays a Role in Natural Selection - NYTimes.com

March 1, 2010

Human Culture, an Evolutionary Force

As with any other species, human populations are shaped by the usual forces of natural selection, like famine, disease or climate. A new force is now coming into focus. It is one with a surprising implication — that for the last 20,000 years or so, people have inadvertently been shaping their own evolution.

The force is human culture, broadly defined as any learned behavior, including technology. The evidence of its activity is the more surprising because culture has long seemed to play just the opposite role. Biologists have seen it as a shield that protects people from the full force of other selective pressures, since clothes and shelter dull the bite of cold and farming helps build surpluses to ride out famine.

Because of this buffering action, culture was thought to have blunted the rate of human evolution, or even brought it to a halt, in the distant past. Many biologists are now seeing the role of culture in a quite different light.

Although it does shield people from other forces, culture itself seems to be a powerful force of natural selection. People adapt genetically to sustained cultural changes, like new diets. And this interaction works more quickly than other selective forces, “leading some practitioners to argue that gene-culture co-evolution could be the dominant mode of human evolution,” Kevin N. Laland and colleagues wrote in the February issue of Nature Reviews Genetics. Dr. Laland is an evolutionary biologist at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.

The idea that genes and culture co-evolve has been around for several decades but has started to win converts only recently. Two leading proponents, Robert Boyd of the University of California, Los Angeles, and Peter J. Richerson of the University of California, Davis, have argued for years that genes and culture were intertwined in shaping human evolution. “It wasn’t like we were despised, just kind of ignored,” Dr. Boyd said. But in the last few years, references by other scientists to their writings have “gone up hugely,” he said.

The best evidence available to Dr. Boyd and Dr. Richerson for culture being a selective force was the lactose tolerance found in many northern Europeans. Most people switch off the gene that digests the lactose in milk shortly after they are weaned, but in northern Europeans — the descendants of an ancient cattle-rearing culture that emerged in the region some 6,000 years ago — the gene is kept switched on in adulthood.

Lactose tolerance is now well recognized as a case in which a cultural practice — drinking raw milk — has caused an evolutionary change in the human genome. Presumably the extra nutrition was of such great advantage that adults able to digest milk left more surviving offspring, and the genetic change swept through the population.

This instance of gene-culture interaction turns out to be far from unique. In the last few years, biologists have been able to scan the whole human genome for the signatures of genes undergoing selection. Such a signature is formed when one version of a gene becomes more common than other versions because its owners are leaving more surviving offspring. From the evidence of the scans, up to 10 percent of the genome — some 2,000 genes — shows signs of being under selective pressure.

These pressures are all recent, in evolutionary terms — most probably dating from around 10,000 to 20,000 years ago, in the view of Mark Stoneking, a geneticist at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany. Biologists can infer the reason for these selective forces from the kinds of genes that are tagged by the genome scans. The roles of most of the 20,000 or so genes in the human genome are still poorly understood, but all can be assigned to broad categories of likely function depending on the physical structure of the protein they specify.

By this criterion, many of the genes under selection seem to be responding to conventional pressures. Some are involved in the immune system, and presumably became more common because of the protection they provided against disease. Genes that cause paler skin in Europeans or Asians are probably a response to geography and climate.

But other genes seem to have been favored because of cultural changes. These include many genes involved in diet and metabolism and presumably reflect the major shift in diet that occurred in the transition from foraging to agriculture that started about 10,000 years ago.

Amylase is an enzyme in the saliva that breaks down starch. People who live in agrarian societies eat more starch and have extra copies of the amylase gene compared with people who live in societies that depend on hunting or fishing. Genetic changes that enable lactose tolerance have been detected not just in Europeans but also in three African pastoral societies. In each of the four cases, a different mutation is involved, but all have the same result — that of preventing the lactose-digesting gene from being switched off after weaning.

Many genes for taste and smell show signs of selective pressure, perhaps reflecting the change in foodstuffs as people moved from nomadic to sedentary existence. Another group under pressure is that of genes that affect the growth of bone. These could reflect the declining weight of the human skeleton that seems to have accompanied the switch to settled life, which started some 15,000 years ago.

A third group of selected genes affects brain function. The role of these genes is unknown, but they could have changed in response to the social transition as people moved from small hunter-gatherer groups a hundred strong to villages and towns inhabited by several thousand, Dr. Laland said. “It’s highly plausible that some of these changes are a response to aggregation, to living in larger communities,” he said.

Though the genome scans certainly suggest that many human genes have been shaped by cultural forces, the tests for selection are purely statistical, being based on measures of whether a gene has become more common. To verify that a gene has indeed been under selection, biologists need to perform other tests, like comparing the selected and unselected forms of the gene to see how they differ.

Dr. Stoneking and his colleagues have done this with three genes that score high in statistical tests of selection. One of the genes they looked at, called the EDAR gene, is known to be involved in controlling the growth of hair. A variant form of the EDAR gene is very common in East Asians and Native Americans, and is probably the reason that these populations have thicker hair than Europeans or Africans.

Still, it is not obvious why this variant of the EDAR gene was favored. Possibly thicker hair was in itself an advantage, retaining heat in Siberian climates. Or the trait could have become common through sexual selection, because people found it attractive in their partners.

A third possibility comes from the fact that the gene works by activating a gene regulator that controls the immune system as well as hair growth. So the gene could have been favored because it conferred protection against some disease, with thicker hair being swept along as a side effect. Or all three factors could have been at work. “It’s one of the cases we know most about, and yet there’s a lot we don’t know,” Dr. Stoneking said.

The case of the EDAR gene shows how cautious biologists have to be in interpreting the signals of selection seen in the genome scans. But it also points to the potential of the selective signals for bringing to light salient events in human prehistory as modern humans dispersed from the ancestral homeland in northeast Africa and adapted to novel environments. “That’s the ultimate goal,” Dr. Stoneking said. “I come from the anthropological perspective, and we want to know what the story is.”

With archaic humans, culture changed very slowly. The style of stone tools called the Oldowan appeared 2.5 million years ago and stayed unchanged for more than a million years. The Acheulean stone tool kit that succeeded it lasted for 1.5 million years. But among behaviorally modern humans, those of the last 50,000 years, the tempo of cultural change has been far brisker. This raises the possibility that human evolution has been accelerating in the recent past under the impact of rapid shifts in culture.

Some biologists think this is a possibility, though one that awaits proof. The genome scans that test for selection have severe limitations. They cannot see the signatures of ancient selection, which get washed out by new mutations, so there is no base line by which to judge whether recent natural selection has been greater than in earlier times. There are also likely to be many false positives among the genes that seem favored.

But the scans also find it hard to detect weakly selected genes, so they may be picking up just a small fraction of the recent stresses on the genome. Mathematical models of gene-culture interaction suggest that this form of natural selection can be particularly rapid. Culture has become a force of natural selection, and if it should prove to be a major one, then human evolution may be accelerating as people adapt to pressures of their own creation.

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2010年3月1日 星期一

出賣台灣 (1) - The future belongs to God - Yahoo!奇摩部落格

出賣台灣 (1)

2010/02/23 05:29


那鍋 Formosa Betrayed 要上映了。


導演當初來台灣人社區募款時,我有去聽。他也有 demo 他的其他作品。







啥叫一片??就是他的核心關懷或思考(費里尼是個非常明顯的例子。Tornatore 也是。)







要知道,基本上,只要是討論 genocide 或者瞎米對獨裁的反省相關的主題,



本島綠派當然是每天都在靠北 228 ,
可是,誰真的針對過 genocide 這鍋嚴肅的事,講出過深沈的東西來啦??沒有!









東西賣不出去,真是活該,誰叫你們都不把 marketing 當成重要的學問!

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ApplePlan - Mac OS X 小技巧-顏色選取器的祕密

Mac OS X 小技巧-顏色選取器的祕密

如果您已經使用過一段時間的 Mac OS  X 系統,並且使用過文書軟體編輯文章過,您一定會熟悉「顏色選取器」這個視窗,當您在打字並且想要選取字體顏色、或者作簡報拉出一個形狀圖案想要填色時,都會打開這個小小的浮動視窗來更換顏色,並且這個小視窗會出現在許多蘋果設計的軟體裡面,例如:文字編輯、Mail、Keynote 或者是 Pages 裡面,按下快速鍵「Shift-Command-C」就會出現這個很方便的小視窗。

但像是其他的軟體,例如 Microsoft 的 Word、Excel 則不用蘋果的顏色選取器,所以接下來的小技巧,則不適用這些軟體。

但是像 Adobe 的系列軟體則是提供可以用 Apple 的顏色選取器以及自己的顏色選取器。

一般來說,顏色選取器的預設模樣就像我們最上面那張圖片一樣,最左邊往右依序是「色輪」、「選色尺」 、「色盤」、「影像色盤」以及「蠟筆色」,


如同上圖,雖然像在使用 Keynote 作簡報時,上方工具列會有供我們選顏色用的基本色,但是難免我們都會有自己偏好的顏色,

這時候,就可以打開「顏色選取器」 來選擇自己喜歡的顏色,但是!當我隔幾天想要在選擇上次感覺不錯的顏色時,該怎麼辦呢?








那麼「顏色佇存方格列」最多可以有多少顏色放進去呢?最多可以拉動到 10 列,每列 16 個顏色,所以可以盡情的拉動自己偏好的顏色進去拉!
並且,最棒的事情就是,當您在 Keynote 裡面設定好了您喜歡的偏好色,當您開了 Pages 或是 Mail , 「顏色選取器」一樣會出現您已經儲存好的顏色唷!

但是,並不是每個程式都會支援同樣多列的顏色列,像您在 keynote 裡面可以有 10 列,但是在「終端機」這個程式則只有一列!
想要知道更多嘛?請多多上 Apple Plan!

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台灣時刻 公視點滴_羅東晨耕



作者:于立平 (公共電視記者)



  說起深海魚,大家最熟悉的應該是提著一個燈籠的 鮟康魚,頭上那個發光器,就像餌球一樣,鮟康魚帶著一根釣竿可以來釣小魚,當然發光器除了可以吸引獵物,也可以辨識同伴吸引異性。跟著中研院邵廣昭老師的研究人員,一起出海探索深海,發現我們對魚的印象很難套在深海魚類的身上,因為深海黑暗無光,有些魚的眼睛變得很大,有些魚的眼睛退化像全盲一樣,也因為深海黑暗無光,生物身上佈滿了發光器,不過一般說,深海魚類長相都不太討喜,由於深海食物比較缺乏,所以只要一遇到獵物一定大口吞食,巨口魚是深海中的很大族群,牠的嘴巴不只大到可以吞下比自己體型更大的生物,甚至下巴還可以像絞鏈一樣打開,牙齒銳利、面貌凶惡,也顯示深海生存不易。










  科學家推測深海可能是生命的起源,但我們對於發源地,不但了解不多,甚至造成污染貽害,生態學家急欲探究這一層人們不易察覺的破壞,解開生態的謎題,究竟深海有沒有大海怪呢 ?是什麼樣的生物住在裡面?而牠們還能住多久……

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茄苳樹窠:麥子落地 - 樂多日誌







畫家陳義仁在事件不久後製作了這幅版畫,題為:麥子落地。典故出自《聖經》,耶穌預言自己將走上受難之路時說:「一粒麥子不落在地裏,死了,仍舊是一粒;如果死了,就結出許多子粒來。」(約翰福音12:24) 義人與無辜者之死,感動人心,催逼人們勇敢站出來,為公義而戰,改變這個世界,無辜者的血不要白流。這是當時許多人心裡的願望。近十多年,台灣總算走出威權政治,雖然民主之路仍顛簸,但仍可數算一些結實的麥穗。今日活潑的台灣生命力,有落土再生的靈魂化身參與在內。



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